Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Our Inquiry Learning - Cheetah Group

In our group we have Maeve, Jeshlyn, Lucy and Oceanic.

Our authentic task said: "Help! Some of the endangered animals at the Auckland Zoo have gone missing! It is your job to be an Endangered Animal Dectictive. A good detective will choose an endangered species and develop an action plan to lure it back to the zoo."

We chose to look at cheetahs. We researched a cheetah's ideal habitat, diet and facts. We made a powerpoint booklet of our findings. As a team we thought we worked really well together. We split into pairs and did our own slides and research. Next time to be better we need to share our ideas more, as some of us didn't pull our weight and let others do the work, to overcome this we could be tougher on each other.

We had to present our findings to the class and we are going to share our research with other year 6 classes. We also had to do a self-assessment on our research skills and how well we think we did.

Here is our slideshow:
Cheetah Group
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: endangered animals)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of great learning in your Cheetah's project. It is great being able to share all your inquiry knowledge and skills by showing your powerpoint on your blog.
Well done!

Rachel Boyd (Teacher)
Nelson Central School, NZ